Classes of Foundation Material

This video will educate you on what to know about your concrete slab the builder is pricing up and any upgrades to it from your soil reports which are gathered from your land reports.

This video will also help you understand what happens and what can be charged by your builder at this stage of the tender when your builder issues you an updated tender – after receiving your land reports be aware and ask questions and know your stuff or you may get caught out where a builder may charge you and you do not need upgrades to your slab.

This Video will also help you on actually choosing the correct block of land so you are not caught with a block that has an unstable soil material for your home. It is important to know what is underneath your soil ground level !. if you want to know more get in touch with me.

Have you watched the video about “Education on Helping you on a Block of Land – Easements and Restrictions”? View it now.

If you haven’t yet downloaded the pdf’s attached to my original email, click on the following links to read them: Types of Slabs & Classes of Foundation Material .